Should you let your dog lick you

It is not recommended that you let your dog lick you. Dog saliva contains a variety of bacteria, infections and parasites that can be harmful to humans. Allowing your dog to lick your face or hands, or even letting them lick any open wounds can result in contamination with disease-causing bacteria, including Salmonella and Campylobacter which cause gastrointestinal illness. Additionally, dogs often carry parasites such as Roundworms which are easily spread through their saliva.

Although it can be difficult to resist the urge to let your pup show their affection by licking you, there are far safer ways for them to express love including snuggling, petting or giving kisses with their mouths closed. By understanding the risks associated with allowing your dog to lick you or anyone else, along with proper hygiene guidelines for both pet and owner alike, you can safely coexist and enjoy a healthy relationship together.

Introduction: overview of the benefits & risks of dog licking

When it comes to deciding whether or not to let your dog lick you, there are a few things to consider. For many pet owners, the warm and loving gesture that is doggie licking serves as a reminder of the strong bond between them. However, allowing your pup to dip into their saliva-reservoir carries both benefits and risks.

On one side of the fence are people who say that canine licking promotes bonding and helps create calmness between owner and pet. Researchers say that licks release “love hormones” like oxytocin which lead to this feeling of relaxed affection. This hormone is also released during instances of puppy cuddles, seresto flea collar for cats snuggles, and naps – making it even more rewarding for both pup and pet parent!

On the other hand, there are people who point out the potential health hazards associated with having a dog lick you. Veterinarians agree that their mouths can be full of bacteria from whatever they have been snacking on outside. Not only can this bacteria spread directly from saliva to skin but it can also contaminate food prepared in the kitchen! There’s also the issue of allergies: if our furry friends have pollen or grass sticking in their fur, these allergens could get transferred onto us via licking (hello, watery eyes).

Potential Benefits: Adorable way to show affection, helps create bond between humans & pets

The biggest benefit of letting your dog lick you is that it can be a really cute and absolutely adorable way for your pup to show their love and affection. We have all seen the videos of dogs eagerly licking their owners’ faces and find them delightful! Licking creates an emotional bond between humans and their furry friends, which encourages trust and closeness.

Also, licking releases endorphins in both animals and humans, making everyone feel relaxed and happy. Whether you’ve just returned home after being away or shared a fun time playing outside, allowing your pet to smother you in puppy kisses is sure to elevate your spirits.

Licking can also be an extension of grooming behavior. This is especially true when it comes to puppies who still mimic that kind of parent-child style interaction in the wild. To them, licking serves as a way of saying “I love you” and expressing comfort—just like when we give our loved ones hugs or kisses!

Potential Risks: Transfers bacteria & viruses, can irritate skin

One of the risks associated with letting your dog lick you is that it can transfer bacteria and viruses. The saliva of any animal contains more than just enzymes and proteins – it can contain different species of bacteria, fungi, and even viruses too. Many of these are harmless to both you and your pet, but some varieties are dangerous and can cause serious health problems.

Also, allowing your pet to lick you can irritate your skin as much as any detergent or substance. Allergens found in their saliva may be a particular problem if they are present in large amounts. Depending on your body’s sensitivity level, constant contact with them could trigger an allergic reaction if not treated immediately. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to give yourself a good wash after being licked by a dog (or cat).

Steps to reduce risk of licking

If you let your dog lick you, you may be putting yourself at risk for catching diseases from bacterial or viral infections. Therefore, it is important to practice regular hygiene and follow steps that reduce the risk of getting sick from licking.

The first step is to make sure your pet has regular veterinary check-ups and vaccinations to ensure they are disease-free. If a pet has visible signs of illnesses such as coughing, diarrhea, vomiting or rashes should not be allowed to lick humans.

The second step is for people who allow their dogs to lick them to take precautions by washing their hands right after being licked and sanitizing any skin areas exposed to the saliva. As an added measure of caution, try not to let the dog lick open wounds or places on the body that are more sensitive like your eyes or mouth.

Finally, if you’re still concerned, consider wearing protective gear such as gloves and long sleeves when interacting with animals that routinely lick people. This will help create a barrier between the saliva and direct contact with unprotected skin surfaces.

Veterinarian advice on dog licking

Veterinarians typically advise against allowing your dog to lick you. The truth is that your pup’s mouth contains an inordinate amount of bacteria which can be transferred to you or others in the form of licks or kisses. These bacterias can cause many illnesses, such as salmonella, distemper, and even rabies! Plus, if a dog has been outside before coming inside to give you kisses, any dirt or parasites from outdoors can easily spread via licking.

That said, if you still choose to let your pup give you a lick here and there that’s okay too—just make sure not to share food with him afterwards until his mouth and tongue are washed! Keeping your hands clean after each kiss from your furry friend is definitely more hygienic as well. Plus, consider investing in pet wipes made specifically for cleaning off Fido’s tongue after it licks something outside—a quick wipe down takes seconds but does wonders for the health of your pup and everyone he comes into contact with!